It's Not Them It's You: Driving Urgency in Marketing and Sales

Marketing is hard. Sales is hard. Marketing and Sales are harder when put together, for sure.

So, when things are complicated and there are a ton of distractions around things you could be doing, how do you actually make sure everything is moving forward as fast as it can with your pipeline?

Whether you're dialing in content, creating strategy, or thinking about the sales pipeline, we'll talk through super real approaches to drive urgency, create momentum, and get to closed-won with your buyers.


Join us as Dave Shanley, Founder and CEO of Content Camel, breaks down how to:
✏️ Sharpen your message to resonate with your target audiences.
📚 Discover what a first principles approach looks like in marketing,
💸 Create momentum across your pipeline and close conversion gaps

Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable insights that can help you take your marketing and sales game to the next level.

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